The large black spots set off the brilliant red flowers to great effect and the simple, bowl-shaped flowers contrast well with the fresh green foliage. Very easy to grow.
Sow outdoors, March-May, where they are to flower, 0.5cm (¼”) deep, directly into finely-prepared, well-drained soil, which has already been watered. Seedlings usually appear in 14-28 days. Thin them to 15cm (6″) apart and water well until plants are established. For a continuous display, make sowings at two to three-week intervals. Sowings made in curves, rather than straight lines, often create a more pleasing effect. Late summer and autumn sowings will flower the following year, often earlier than spring sowings. Flowers: June to October.
Tip: Always sow poppies directly into their flowering position, as their long taproots mean that they do not transplant easily.
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