Alyssum Snow Cloth – 1250 Seeds – 15924

Plants become smothered in small fragrant blooms. Easy to grow and long lasting.


1 in stock


Plants become smothered in small fragrant blooms. Easy to grow and long lasting.

Sow outdoors, March-May, where they are to flower, 0.5cm (¼”) deep, directly into finely-prepared, well-drained soil, which has already been watered. Seedlings usually appear in 14-28 days. Thin seedlings to 15cm (6″) apart. Water well until plants are established and keep weed free. Or sow indoors, February-April, 0.5cm (¼”) deep, in trays of compost. Water well and place in a warm position. A temperature of 10-15°C (50-60°F) is ideal. Keep moist. Transplant seedlings, 5cm (2″) apart, to other trays when large enough to handle (always handle by a leaf and never by the stem). Grow on in cooler, but not cold conditions. Gradually accustom young plants to outside conditions (avoid frosts), before planting out, May-June, 15cm (6″) apart, when frosts are over. Flowers: June-October.

When the first flowers fade, trim back the plants to encourage further flushes of colour.


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